Miscarriage and the workplace resources
In 2019 I researched and wrote a hub of resources for the Miscarriage Association on miscarriage and the workplace. I also recorded a podcast at a Women at Work event in Cambridge and represented the Miscarriage Association at a cross-government working group.
The Pregnancy Loss Pledge
Since then, the Miscarriage Association has launched its Pregnancy Loss Pledge for workplaces and, from yesterday, is offering in-depth online training sessions for employers and managers.
New bespoke training
I developed this training and delivered it using Mentimeter – a tool that allows lots of exciting interaction during online sessions. Yesterday was a test run. In the New Year, we will launch more officially. If you or your organisation would be interested in attending or offering this training, do get in touch with the Miscarriage Association.
It was a really useful and informative session – thank you.